Home Guard Replica Pack


1. Home Guard Flyer Rare recruitment flyer, whipping up the locals into a frenzy with statements such as “Smash Germans in Chiselhurst”. 2. Officers’ Mess Rule Book Fascinating insight in to the etiquette of the 37th Warwickshire Battalion Home Guard including “Discussions on religion and politics are strictly barred” 3. Home Guard Training Booklet (1940) Superb abridged 44 page booklet on how to tackle the enemy in the event of invasion, meticulously advising on patrols and marching discipline: “Keep your necks touching the collar at all times” 4. Modern World (1940) Fully illustrated extract from the wartime weekly review covering “Home Guard Street fighting” tips Gems include “hiding bombs in sofas” 5. Miscellaneous Images and Postcards Home Guard units caught on film during training exercises sets the mood, and the “let ’em all come!” is the rallying call on a colourful recruitment poster. 6. Information Circulars Detailed guidelines from the War Office on duties given to “older men” and reminders that drivers carrying explosives should not smoke. 7. Miscellaneous Papers Correspondence regarding railway property being used for Home Guard accommodation, along with a message from the King in recognition of Home Guard efforts. 8. Armistice Night Concert (1943) The Bournemouth Home Guard put on a fine show at the Pavilion. On the bill that night were the Roosters Concert Party, followed by Wally Read and his Banjo rounding off a fine night.
